Cole Goldenberg
Senior Maddie Needler sprints after the ball in the flag football team’s game against Berkeley Prep. This was their first game on the new field. They lost 13-6.
In the Tampa Bay area, girls flag football and lacrosse have become increasingly popular. With this surge of popularity, Shorecrest now has the opportunity to get involved an appeal to a whole new group of athletes.
Shorecrest offers a wide variety of athletic programs, where students may choose to partake in a variety of sports. In recent months, this list expanded to include lacrosse and girls flag football. Flag football coach Alvin Shirley said, “[I love] giving the girls an opportunity to play football in a manner that is trending across the nation.”
The flag football team is open to girls in grades 8-12. Sophomore Liliana Fort, a member of the inaugural team, said, “It was awesome to see girls from different grades come together to play a new Shorecrest sport.”
The team prioritizes camaraderie, and the girls have mutual support for each other as they learn and evolve with the sport. Shirley said, “We have a great culture of togetherness and support.”
The team engages in competition with three other Tampa Bay schools, and won their first game 19-0 over Tampa Prep. “Everyone was so happy, and the celebration afterwards was a really enjoyable moment,” Fort said.
Maintaining this winning momentum going into the second match of the year, morale was high. Unfortunately, this game resulted in a loss for the team, but the players did not let this minor setback dull their spirits.
“I’m proud of how we played, despite missing our main quarterback. We powered through and gave it all we could,” Fort said. “I know this team has unmatched potential. One loss won’t set us back, and next time, we will walk onto the field even stronger.”
While games do not start until the spring, Shorecrest has already begun introducing the sports to students. Last year, the St. Pete Dragons, St. Pete’s resident Lacrosse Club, invited Shorecrest eighth graders to learn about lacrosse. The club introduced prospective players to the sport through a clinic with lacrosse players from all around St. Petersburg and Tampa. Students were able to participate in weekly matches and get used to the competitive lacrosse environment.
Freshman Maggie Majeski found herself among this group. “The main approach for many people I met was that they wanted to go Division 1, so many people take lacrosse very seriously,” Majeski said. “Once you understand it, it’s a really fun game to play.”
Freshman Ally Cardone also participated in these clinics. She said, “It’s really different from [the] sports I’ve done, but it’s really fun.”
Learning a new sport means familiarizing yourself with new rules, skills, and teammates. For Cardone and Majeski, this experience had a rocky start. “I learned that starting a new sport will definitely humble you,” said Majeski. Cardone said, “I learned a lot about time management and being a part of a team.”
Amidst adjusting to these conditions, the players were overwhelmed with support from their coaches and teammates. “Everyone was really supportive, if you didn’t know how to do something, there was no pressure to ask,” said Cardone.
Within Shorecrest’s broadened athletic realm, students hope they will be better equipped for the future. Majeski said, “Learning from each other will bring out diversity.” This journey of growth for Shorecrest will likely create a lasting legacy. Shirley said, “It’s truly a blessing to me to be a part of this endeavor.”