{A writing inspired by the song “Blue” – Yung kai.}
I promised we would be forever, I kept my word.
But the waves stopped rolling and the end of the path was near.
Let’s walk to that horizon, hoping for blue to meet again with the sea.
With eyes closed, take my hand,
don’t open them until I’m sure I can paint the blue in our time called “forever” once again.
I promise I’ll be back, the waves never let the sand dry out.
I see ocean waves from memories, In the moon’s reflection from your golden gaze.
Keep sharing thoughts of that perfect moment, so I can cherish the hope of us again.
Maybe someday the moon will shift to bring the blue glow of your voice back.
Until then…
keep believing in the start of our love, waking up under the warm sun;
us by the waves, the ocean breeze in our lungs.
So do trust me with your heart, I promise I’ll keep it safe.
As we fly through the sky,
I’ll stay forever with you.